Final Blog Post

Taking into account all of the articles & scenarios we have discussed within class this semester in ICT III what factor of Digital Citizenship are you going to take with you (think about social media, and future jobs)?

How can you be sure that you will not fall into the “trap” of posting information on the Internet/Social Media that may or may not hurt you in the future??

 Post your Reflection by Friday, December 19, 2014 @5pm. Must be a minimum of 7-9 complete sentences. Make you respond to a minimum of two other classmates reflections as well. 

Global Collaboration Chat: Laura Hill @candylandcaper: #whatisschool

what is school, #whatisschool, global classrooms, technology, PBL, digital Citizenship, future, teachers, global education, whatisschool, whatisschool, whatisschool, whatisschool


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