Digital Footprint Article

Post your reflection the Digital Footprint Article here… Summarize how your digitial footprint can affect you postively or negatively? Think about your future; such as college and/or future jobs and careers. Post by Nov.  14, 2013 @ 5pm.


    • River,

      What kind of people?? Who and What “types” of people are we trying to avoid? Also, what websites are you talking about? Remember..Be Specific.

  1. They collect information every time you visit a site People are more apt to buy stuff on Thursday and Friday and that you should think before you click and type and push enter and that you should always use a (HTTPS) or a secure browser.

  2. Our digital footprint can affect us in a good or bad way. If you are smart about what you put online, then you wont have to worry about getting rejected for a job or a school you want to attend in the future. But if you dont think before you post, you could get in alot of trouble and mess up your plans for the future.

  3. It’s positive and negative because if you didn’t remember i site that you need to go on then you could look it up. The negative thing is if you looked up something bad or had someone else on your computer that did, then when the job manger or collage manger looks on your computer you might have some troubles.

    • Very good points Elijah,

      I liked how you referenced other people accessing a computer you may or may not have logged out of, which allows the to access what you were browsing.

    • Excellent Tagxedo Deja,
      How does the awarenss of your Digital Footprint help you make better and safer decisions uitlizing a technological resource?

  4. I think its good that people can check it because then they can see if your looking at anything bad. Although if something just popped up or your friend looked it up they should know that at least. Its also a negative though because its your privacy and they’re looking through it. I wouldn’t want people going through my stuff, marketers are fine, but others aren’t exactly fair.

    • It can effect us just like the video we watched on that girl on thursday one wrong text or message can follow your forever.

  5. Our digital footprint can affect us in a positive or negative way. If you are smart about what you post online, there is less of a chance that a future job or college will reject you. But if you don’t think before you post, you could get into a lot of trouble in the future. One or two stupid posts could be the difference between the job of your dreams or a life working at Wal-Mart. If you use social networking in a positive way, only positive outcomes will result.

    Digital Footprints can affect you both positively and negatively. If you don’t do anything wrong online, it won’t hurt you. For the future colleges and jobs that look at those digital footprints, and they find nothing wrong, it could increase your chance of getting into that college or that job. But if you do bad things, or post dumb things, you could easily get rejected and ruin your chance of getting a normal job in the future.

  7. Your digital footprint is left everywhere you go online. Everything you do can be tracked, hacked, searched, saved, copied and shared. Its important to make sure that you are looking at what your posting, and that when you go to a job interview that your employer or professor can see all that you have said.

  8. Digital footprints are left when you visit any website. When you shop online they get a little more information each time you go there. A lot of purchasing happens on Thursdays and Fridays because it right before the weekend because you have money to spend. You never go shopping online on Mondays or Tuesdays are because you’re trying to not spend as much money so you can save it for the weekend. It also matters what you’re looking at online. Your actions affect your life, so don’t make stupid mistakes that you regret.

  9. I think that it is a good thing that you can have your history traked because it can be used to help people hire others for jobs. If you have a bad history than you should not be hired. but than agian if it wasn’t you that put something bad on the web and you are the on that got in trouble for it, its just not always fair.

  10. Our digital footprint can mostly affect us negativley but there are some positive ways. The one big thing i can think of where it could affect you the most is college applications. Here if they see good things like research and school work they’ll know your a good student but they can also find bad things and they can decide your not what there school needs.

  11. We have to be aware of our digital foot print, because what we do on the interment can affect our lives in the long run. Being careful what your put on the interment is a big one but what you post on twitter or Facebook can make you seem bad in other people’s eyes it can happen to anyone.

  12. Digital footprints are left when you visit any website. When you shop online they get a little more information each time you go there. A lot of purchasing happens on Thursdays and Fridays because it right before the weekend because you have money to spend. You never go shopping online on Mondays or Tuesdays are because your trying to not spend as much money so you can save it for the weekend.

  13. Our digital footprint can affect in good way or a bad way. If you are posting positive things online you, shouldn’t have to worry about a college or a job rejecting you. If you post negative things in the long run it will probably get you in trouble. You probably will end getting rejected for a job or something because of that negative post.

  14. I feel like it’s kind of wierd that they can track what sites you have been on and how long you have been on any one site. It does although probably make people more aware and catious of what they’re looking at or posting. You have to keep in mind that whatever you type in on your computer can be tracked. Everyone should want to have a positive digital footprint because colleges can look at them, along with when you apply for a job.

    • I agree with you, that you should be catious on where you go, because you leave a digital footprint and professors can look at where you have been

  15. I think it’s creepy that people can see your habbits, mostly just for marketing. And it is a good idea to search someone’s information done on the computer for a job, but it would be bad for the other person because what if it was just a mistake to go to that website. Opened a link sent by a friend, or got hacked with a bad post.

    • I agree with you on the point that it is creepy for someone to be looking at what you do, I also think that you make sense when you say it could be an accident

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Greetings from Garfield Elementary School! My name is Dan Kirsch. I teach Physical Education for students in grades K-5! Please read about what students are learning within our Physical Education program at Garfield!!