Aerobic Bowling


Aerobic Bowling 

State Standard: 1, 2, 3, 4

Equipment: 1 gator skin ball and 1 bowling pin per group. Grade: 2-5
Purpose of Event:  Students will work on rolling the ball on the floor (bowling) while trying to knock down a pin on the other side of the gym.
Time: 15- 20 minutes
Introduction: using the lines of the volleyball court. Have students place the bowling pin on the opposite sideline from where they are standing.  On your signal, the student with the ball will underhand roll the ball trying to knock their pin down, if they knock it down they get a point (keep track of your own points).  The student then must run across the gym, set up your pin if needed, retrieve their ball and run it back to the next student in line. Students MUST hand them the ball (no throwing).  Keep alternating turns bowling and running for either a set number of points…5 or for a set length of time 3-5 minutes.  Then have the class stop and compare scores with their teammates.  Have the winners or losers, rotate to either the right or left, then play another game.

Modifications: Vary the distance between bowler and pin, size of ball (bigger/smaller), number of pins.

Concerns: Move safely around the gym. Make students know (before) how to perform each exercise described on the cards.
This idea is from: Mark Struck, Physical Education Teacher, Laura B. Andersen Elementary School.

About mrkirsch

Greetings from Garfield Elementary School! My name is Dan Kirsch. I teach Physical Education for students in grades K-5! Please read about what students are learning within our Physical Education program at Garfield!!

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