Post #3 – Comic

Comic Strip – Digital Citizenship Scenarios. Post #3

Please create a comic strip on some aspect of Digital Citizenship utilizing Pixton! Keep in mind all the different scenarios you could create: social media safety, cyberbullying, gossip, posting “too much” information, and/or plagiarism!! Please embed your Comic Strip Scenerio on YOUR blog by Friday, February 6, 2015 by 5:00 pm.

Student Example:

30 Day Blog Challenge Review

It has been 30 days since I joined the group 30 Day Blog Challenge. I scheduled this post in my editorial calendar to remind me to check in on how I did with the challenge. Truth is I am still doin…


See on Scoop.itInformationCommunication (ICT)

Digital Footprint: What is it? Post #2

Managing Your Digital Footprint: Think Before You Post.

Digital footprint refers to the compilation of content on the Internet that can be associated with you and, thus, potentially available to anyone performing a search on you. The list of possible content visible online is endless (e.g., your family videos on YouTube, your comments on a news article or blog, vacation photos on Flickr, your posts on Facebook and Twitter). Please watch the video below, “Understanding Your Digital Footprint” and then write a blog post based on the questions below.

UnderstandingDigitalFootprint from Mr. Kirsch on Vimeo.

Blog Prompt Questions:

  1. Why should you be concerned about the information available online about you?
  2. Can you do anything to manage your digital footprint?
  3. How does a person take control of their privacy?
  4. Why should people manage their interactions with others on Social Media?
  5. Do you think is “wise” to use caution on social media and networking websites? Why or Why Not?

 Please make sure you post your written blog response by Friday, January 30, 2015 by 5pm. Your responses to this post should be a minimum of 5-6 sentences for each question. 

For More Information:

MaximumPC: How To Erase Your Digital Footprint:
Washington Post: Beware of Privacy Policies: Time to Clean Up Your Digital Footprint:

My 5 Favorite Education Blogs – Teach 4 the Heart

These are my 5 favorite educational blogs. I’m not saying they’re the best or the biggest – but they are the ones I actually read & enjoy.


See on Scoop.itInformationCommunication (ICT)

RSS and Feedly – YouTube

Learn the new way to stay updated: RSS. While RSS has been around for a while, few people understand the potential to stay on top of news and interesting thi…


We actually teach RSS feeds in my 8th Grade ICT class! Thanks for the resource! 

See on Scoop.itInformationCommunication (ICT)

Awesome Flowchart to Help You Select A Blogging Platform for Your Class.


Excellent flowchart Med K. shared on his blog created by

See on Scoop.itEducational News and Web Tools

What is Digitial Citizenship ? Post #1

Activity 1: Explaining digital citizenship

Digital citizens

Watch this clip, Edtalks: 2010 Ten trends: Cyber citizenship with Derek Wenmoth, Director of CORE Education, discussing digital citizenship. He explains that responsible digital citizens need to be respectful and act appropriately with information in an online world. He suggests it is necessary for teachers to have direct experience of the online environment to teach students effectively about responsible cyber behaviour.

Activity 2: Defining digital citizenship

Compare NetSafe’s definition of a digital citizen with the Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship outlined by Gerald Bailey and Mike Ribble in their book Digital Citizenship in Schools. 

1. NetSafe’s definition of a New Zealand digital citizen

A digital citizen:

“A digital citizen accepts and understands the rights and responsibilities of inhabiting ‘cyberspace’, including online safety.”

  • is a confident and capable user of information and communication technology (ICT)
  • uses ICTs to participate in educational, cultural, and economic activities
  • uses and develops critical thinking skills in cyberspace
  • is literate in the language, symbols, and texts of ICTs
  • is aware of ICT challenges and can manage them effectively
  • uses ICT to relate to others in positive, meaningful ways
  • demonstrates honesty and integrity and ethical behaviour in their use of ICTs
  • respects the concepts of privacy and freedom of speech in a digital world
  • contributes and actively promotes the values of digital citizenship.

2. Nine elements of digital citizenship

  • Digital access: full electronic participation in society
  • Digital literacy: the process of teaching and learning about ICTs and the use of ICTs
  • Digital communication: electronic exchange of information

Digital citizens
School environment and student behaviour
  • Digital security (self protection): electronic precautions to guarantee safety
  • Digital etiquette: electronic standards of conduct or procedure
  • Digital rights and responsibilities: those freedoms extended to everyone in a digital world

Student life outside the school environment
  • Digital commerce: electronic buying and selling of goods
  • Digital heath and wellness: physical and psychological wellbeing in a digital technology world
  • Digital law: rights and restrictions

Activity 3: Implications for you and your school

Blog Reflections questions (Post on YOUR blog only). Reflections must a minimum of 10-12 sentences for each question. Please post by Friday, January 20, 2015 @5pm.
  • What does digital citizenship mean to you in your personal life, professional life?
  • What implications does this have for our young people now and in the future?
  • While most of today’s students are comfortable with using technology:
    • Are they using it appropriately?
    • Do they understand their roles and responsibilities in digital society?
    • How can teachers help students become responsible digital citizens?
    • What are the norms of appropriate, responsible, ethical behaviour with regards to technology use?

Is Social Media ruining students?

This infographic paints a very interesting picture on the relationship between social media and our students. This provides more justification on why we need to teach the proper ways of using social media to our students.


20 Things You Can Do With Google Classroom

Google Classroom ( is available to schools with a Google Apps for Education (GAfE)domain. Classroom is a way to get all of your students in one place and allows you to easily assign work and for st…


See on Scoop.itEducational News and Web Tools

Keeping Kids’ Integrity Intact in a Snap-Happy Age | AT&T Thread

Sharing photos online of our kids is practically irresistible. But what about when those kids are teenagers and adults? Will those shots of little Zoe’s bath still live on the Internet? And what about pics kids post of themselves?


See on Scoop.itFootprintDigital