Week 4 – 4/14/2020-4/17/2020


K-2 = Activities

State Standard: 1, 2 & 3

Email: Dan.Kirsch@k12.sd.us  Grade: K-2
Purpose of Event: Lifetime Fitness and Movement Enrichment Education
Time: 30 minutes
Warm-up: Choose One  
A) If you do not have a jump rope) pretend to jump rope and/or do vertical jumps. 

Pete Charrette 

B) Let’s Dance. Follow the video below!!! Make sure you have your volume turn-up. Have fun!! 

Ben Prillio 

Main Activity: Choose Either A or B – 20 Minutes

A) Nascar Relay
: See the video below and attempt the activity. Holding a plate or frisbee in front of your belly as a steering wheel run in a giant circle. Then tag the next person to run their lap or keep running your laps.  See if you can do 10-15 laps. PS you can do these activities with your parent/guardians and/or brothers/sisters.

   Coach Higs


B) Follow the instructions on the image below!

Cues Below:


Closing Activity (Mindful Minute Cool Down): 5-7 minutes

 Resources: ==> GoNoodle & Kevin Tiller = @physedreview on Twitter
Assessment: Write a comment when completed (comments can be emojis as well). Either on this blog post or hard copy (return to Mr. Kirsch at school).  You can also attach a picture/video and send it to Mr. Kirsch’s email: Dan.Kirsch@k12.sd.us. This is part of your PE grade!!! 


3-5 = Activities

State Standard: 2 & 3

Email: Dan.Kirsch@k12.sd.us Grade: 3-5
Purpose of Event: Lifetime Fitness and Movement Enrichment Education
Time: 30 minutes


Watch the video below. Whether on your chromebook, TV, Laptop, IPAD, and complete the Flip The Coin Activity!!! Get any type of coin (nickel, dime, penny, and/or quarter). Heads = Even and Tails = Odd. Flip the coin ==> if the coin lands on heads choose any of the even numbered exercises and perform 10 reps.  Flip the coin again ==> if it happens to land on tails ==> choose any of the odd numbered exercises a perform 10 reps. Do this for 5-7 rounds.  If you do NOT have technological device an alternative activity will be available below. 

Those students without Technology your activity is below ==> 


Main Activity:

A) Follow the instructions on the video!!! Superhero Battle!! You can pause the video if you need to review the instructions!! Have fun with it!! If you do not have technology to show video you can partake in the My Plate Dinner  Activity below!!!

Mike Gincola 

B) My Plate Dinner Dice Activity

Use the Dinner Dice Fitness Chart. Roll a dice to see what exercise you will complete. Start at the protein group and work to the right. For example if you would roll a 1 you would complete the entire meal which would include 10 invisible jump ropes, 10 ski jumpers, 10 calf raises, 10 ski jumpers and 10 arm circles both ways.


If you do not have Dice at you house ==> Click the link below and follow the instructions on how to make some out of paper ==> 


Closing Activity:

Mindful Minutes will help slow down your heart rate and work on some deep breathing. Calming Down. 

      Kevin Tiller 

Resource: Daily Workouts &  
Assessment: Write a comment when completed (comments can be emojis as well). Either on this blog post or hard copy (return to Mr. Kirsch at school). You can also attach a picture/video and send it to Mr. Kirsch’s email: Dan.Kirsch@k12.sd.us. This part of your PE grade!!! 


Fun Activity

State Standard: 2 & 3

Grade: K-5
Purpose of Event: Enjoying Movement!!
Time: Up To You!!!

Choose One: Activity A or B

Activity A:

Activity B (Choose One from the list):

Play a Tag Game for 10 Minutes
Vacuum Your Entire House
Play Outside for 15 Minutes
Stand and Read for 10 Minutes


 Resource: Jason Steele & GoNoodle
Assessment: Write a comment when completed. Either on this blog post or hard copy (return to Mr. Kirsch at school).


Week 3 – 4/6/2020-4/10/2020

Featured Video Play Icon


K-2 = Activities

State Standard: 1, 2 & 3

Email: Dan.Kirsch@k12.sd.us  Grade: K-2
Purpose of Event: Lifetime Fitness and Movement Enrichment Education
Time: 30 minutes
Warm-up: Choose One  
A)  When you get to #6 (if you do not have a jump rope) pretend to jump rope and/or do vertical jumps. 

Dan Kirsch 


B) Clap It Out Dance Activity. Follow the video instructions below!!! Make sure you have your volume turn-up. Have fun!! 

Main Activity: Choose Either A or B – 20 Minutes

A) At Home Cup Challenges
: See the video below and attempt to do the cup challenges as shown. Please watch until the end. There is a challenge (your choice) I would really like for you to try. PS you can do these activities with your parent/guardians and/or brothers/sisters. Any type of cup will work.

   Jessica McCaughey 


B) Follow the instructions on the image below!! Do as many rounds as you can. For example the exercise “Elbows To Knees ” you would perform 10 times because there are 10 fingers being shown in the box. 


Closing Activity (Mindful Minute Cool Down): 5-7 minutes

 Resources: ==> GoNoodle & Kevin Tiller = @physedreview on Twitter
Assessment: Write a comment when completed (comments can be emojis as well). Either on this blog post or hard copy (return to Mr. Kirsch at school).  You can also attach a picture/video and send it to Mr. Kirsch’s email: Dan.Kirsch@k12.sd.us. This is part of your PE grade!!! 


3-5 = Activities

State Standard: 2 & 3

Email: Dan.Kirsch@k12.sd.us Grade: 3-5
Purpose of Event: Lifetime Fitness and Movement Enrichment Education
Time: 30 minutes


Watch the video below. Whether on your chromebook, TV, Laptop, IPAD, and/or your phone and complete the Rock, Paper, Scissors Activity!!! This rotates on its own; however you can pause and go back to the previous slide if you need too.  If you do NOT have technological device an alternative activity will be available below. 


Those students without Technology your activity is below ==> Try as many rounds as possible in 7-8 minutes. 

  Mr. Csajko

Main Activity:

A) Follow the instructions on the video!!! Have fun with it!! If you do not have technology to show video you can partake in the Wellness Bingo activity below!!!

Mike Gincola 


B) Wellness Bingo!!! Follow the instructions on the bingo card!!!  Have Fun!!! Complete one Activity each day to create a Bingo line!!! 


Closing Activity:

Mindful Minutes will help slow down your heart rate and work on some deep breathing. Calming Down. 


Resource: Daily WorkoutsKevin Tiller 
Assessment: Write a comment when completed (comments can be emojis as well). Either on this blog post or hard copy (return to Mr. Kirsch at school). You can also attach a picture/video and send it to Mr. Kirsch’s email: Dan.Kirsch@k12.sd.us. This part of your PE grade!!! 


Fun Activity

State Standard: 2 & 3

Grade: K-5
Purpose of Event: Enjoying Movement!!
Time: Up To You!!!

Main Activity: Outdoor Scavenger Hunt

 Resource: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FyqkUddvIRzB1UZxKdUNMY9JLb1TIX7f/view
Assessment: Write a comment when completed. Either on this blog post or hard copy (return to Mr. Kirsch at school).


Week 2 – 3/30/2020-4/3/2020


K-2 = Activities

State Standard: 2 & 3

Email: Dan.Kirsch@k12.sd.us  Grade: K-2
Purpose of Event: Lifetime Fitness and Movement Enrichment Education
Time: 30 minutes
Warm-up: Choose One  
A) 7 Minute Animal HIIT Warm-up

B) Hokey Pokey ==>


Main Activity: Toss and Catch (Rolled Up Sock) – 20 Minutes
Today we’re going to have fun exploring movement with Beans Bag or Socks (Rolled up into a small ball). Grab a family member!!! See the instructions below on what activities you can do. 

Checkout the video below for more ideas!!!! Thank you Tanner Roos!!!

Closing Activity (Yoga): 5-7 minutes
Choose three poses to perform with parents. Hold each pose for 30sec to 60 sec

 Resources: ==> GoNoodle & openphysed.org
Assessment: Write a comment when completed. Either on this blog post or hard copy (return to Mr. Kirsch at school). You can also attach a picture/video and send it to Mr. Kirsch’s email: Dan.Kirsch@k12.sd.us


3-5 = Activities

State Standard: 2 & 3

Email: Dan.Kirsch@k12.sd.us Grade: 3-5
Purpose of Event: Lifetime Fitness and Movement Enrichment Education
Time: 30 minutes


Watch the video below. Whether on your chromebook, TV, Laptop, IPAD, and/or your phone and complete the Fortnite Dance Workout!!! This goes for 5 minutes. If you do NOT have technological device an alternative activity will be available below. 

Those students without Technology your activity is below ==> Try as many rounds as possible in 7-8 minutes. 

Main Activity:

Flip The Coin Fitness!!! Flip Your Coin 9 times as explained. See below for images on #HowTo perform the exercises!!! Have Fun!!! Complete this Activity for 4 Rounds. This means once you have finished flipping the coin 9 times = 1 Round. Then you will do it again. You can do this with a family member(s)!!


Jog In Place Crunches Kneeling
Jumping Jacks High Knees Sit-ups


Closing Activity:

Mindful Minutes will help slow down your heart rate and work on some deep breathing. Calming Down. 


Resource: Daily WorkoutsKevin Tiller 
Assessment: Write a comment when completed. Either on this blog post or hard copy (return to Mr. Kirsch at school). You can also attach a picture/video and send it to Mr. Kirsch’s email: Dan.Kirsch@k12.sd.us


Fun Activity

State Standard: 2 & 3

Grade: K-5
Purpose of Event: Enjoying Movement!!
Time: Up To You!!!

Main Activity: This or That Activity.

Do as many rounds as you choose. Do you recognize anyone in the video??



 Resource: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FyqkUddvIRzB1UZxKdUNMY9JLb1TIX7f/view
Assessment: Write a comment when completed. Either on this blog post or hard copy (return to Mr. Kirsch at school).


Week 1 – 3/24/2020-3/27/2020

Day 1 – Activities

State Standard: 2 & 3

Email: Dan.Kirsch@k12.sd.us Grade: K-2
Purpose of Event: Lifetime Fitness and Movement Education
Time: 30 minutes
Bear Crawl Around House from room to room for 10 minutes (rest when needed).

Main Activity: Toss and Catch (Rolled Up Sock)
Do each activity for 3 minutes (2 minutes are allotted for transition between activities)


Closing Activity:
Choose one of the other:
A) Walk for 5 minutes
B) Ask your parents/guardians for a chore you can help with. 

 Resources: ==> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FyqkUddvIRzB1UZxKdUNMY9JLb1TIX7f/view
Assessment: Write a comment when completed (could be an emoji = 😊👍😒😢) . Either on this blog post or hard copy (return to Mr. Kirsch at school).


Day 1 – Activities

State Standard: 2 & 3

Email: Dan.Kirsch@k12.sd.us Grade: 3-5
Purpose of Event: Lifetime Fitness and Movement Education
Time: 30 minutes
Bear Crawl Around House from room to room for 10 minutes (rest when needed).

Main Activity:

Follow Instructions on the Image Below. Repeat this for 5 Rounds:  


Closing Activity:
Choose one of the other:
A) Walk for 5 minutes
B) Ask your parents/guardians for a chore you can help with. 

Resource: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FyqkUddvIRzB1UZxKdUNMY9JLb1TIX7f/view
Assessment: Write a comment when completed (could be an emoji = 😊👍😒😢) . Either on this blog post or hard copy (return to Mr. Kirsch at school).


Day 2 – Activities

State Standard: 2 & 3

remote learning Grade: K-5
Purpose of Event: Lifetime Fitness and Movement Education
Time: 30 minutes
Bicycle Challenge: Lay on your back and pedal the bicycle for 3 minutes.


Main Activity: Dance It Out (25 minutes). Follow the movements on the screen!! 


NO Technology ==> Complete each exercise as many times as you can. 30 seconds to 1 minute rest between each exercise. 



Closing Activity:
Move Like an Animal  (4 minutes). Use your imagination!!! 

 Resource: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FyqkUddvIRzB1UZxKdUNMY9JLb1TIX7f/view
Assessment: Write a comment when completed (could be an emoji = 😊👍😒😢) . Either on this blog post or hard copy (return to Mr. Kirsch at school).


Pin-Galore Hockey

Pin-Galore Hockey

State Standard: 1, & 3

Equipment:  20 Plastic pins, Several gator-skin balls, Hockey Sticks (enough for two teams), and Poly Spots
Grade: 3-5
Purpose of Event: Using Long-Handled Implements while striking a Ball. 
Time: 15-20 minutes
Place 10 foam pins on each side of the gym on Poly Spots. Put several poly spots down the middle of the gym to separate into two halves. 
This is a modification to the regular game of floor hockey.  Instead of the typical scoring (puck into a hockey net), players will try to knock over the other team’s pins while striking a gator-skin ball with their hockey stick! If a player strikes the ball and it knocks down a pin from the other team their team scores a point (I use a digital scoreboard). Once the pin is down it stays down!!!!!  Once one team has knocked all the other teams pins down their team wins. Goalies are optional. If I do use a goal they must be in-between the pins to protect. 

No high sticking. Both hands must be on the hockey stick. If a student breaks the rules they go to the penalty box (area where students have to do an exercise to get back in the game). 

Concerns: Be cautious when students are using their hockey sticks!!! 
This idea is from: Idea modified from physedgames.com


Warm-up Activities

 Warm-up Activities
Standards: 1, 2, 3
Grade: 3-5
Purpose of Event: The following list of activities will help in warming up the students and get them excited for other activities to follow.  Each activity listed should last four to five minutes.
Time: 3-5 minutes

Balance Tag: Two taggers are chosen and are given gator balls to use to tag the other students as they move around the gym.  Players may stay on a safe zone (poly spot) if they can balance on the correct foot, such as — orange spot – left foot balance; blue spot – right foot balance.  The students must move off the spot if they put their foot down or if they rest the foot on top of the balanced foot. Players who are tagged are required to perform a certain task.  When the task is completed, the player can return to the game.

Circuit Training: Set up various exercise stations in the gym.  Place students in same number of groups, as there are stations.  Place groups at a station. On the command “Go!” The students will perform the exercise at there station.  After 45 seconds have groups switch stations until they have completed the entire circuit.

Class exercises: Students will be stay in their homes.  Students will perform various teacher led exercises. Exercises may include jumping jacks, sit-ups, pushups, ski jumps, arm circles, and other various exercises and stretches.

Countdown Stations: Set up exercise stations in each corner of the gym.  All players begin at station one. Students must perform the exercise posted at station one and then jog 4 laps.  They then move to station two and perform the required exercise; plus jog 3 laps. Students will then go to the third station and continue to count down to one lap.

Exercise Cards: Many different exercises are posted on a set of 3X5 cards.  As the students enter the gym have them draw a recommended number of cards.  After they have drawn their cards they must go to their home spaces and complete the exercises on their cards.

Exercise Tag: Two students are chosen to be it.  On the signal, the It’s try to tag the other students.  If the students get tagged they must come to the center circle and perform an exercise assigned by the teacher.  Once they complete the exercise they may return to the game.

Exer-dice: In this activity the students roll one foam die to determine the exercises they perform.  Post a list of six exercises on the gym wall and correlate them with the dice numbers. For example a students rolling a six may have to do 25 jumping jacks for rolling the six.  They perform the exercises in their home then come back to the line. Each student will get 4 turns.

 “Fit”-tionary: Divide the class into six groups.  Place exercise cards face down opposite each group.  Take turns running down picking up a card, placing the card in another pile.  Run back to the group, without talking draw the exercise. When the team guesses the correct exercise everyone in the group does 15 of the exercise.

Four-corner Cartoon Traveling: To begin show students how each corner of the gym has a picture of a cartoon character.  Let them know that when the music begins, they will be moving around the gym using a specific locomotor movement that you call out (skip, jog, gallop, etc.)  When the music stops, they are to safely move to one of the four corners and wait there until you pick one of the exercise cards from your hand. The students standing by the picked character card must do a chosen exercise.  Continue until song is complete.

Jogging: Have the students jog a teacher determined number of laps.  Encourage the students to pace themselves.

Jump roping: Have the students jump for a certain length of time.  Students should jump the rope in their home space and they may experiment with different styles of rope jumping.  Use music to increase the enjoyment.  

Jumping:  Students will work in pairs.  Designate one partner as partner A and the other partner as partners B.  Students will face each other and jump up and down together 6 times. On the sixth jump, each student will place either their left or right leg out.  If the students have opposite legs out Partner A gets a point if the students have the same leg out Partner B gets a point. Play to 10 points and begin again.

Mat-ercise: Each student is supplied a mat to take back to their home space. Have students perform various exercises on the mat.  Use sit-ups, push-ups, and stretching activities. Also have them build bridges over the mat.

On the Bank – In the River:  Line students up behind a line.  When you say “in the river”, they jump across the line.  When you say, “on the bank”, jump backward across the line.  If you catch a mistake, or they are the last one, they go back to the next line on the gym floor and keep on playing after they do 5 push-ups, jumping jacks, or crunches.  Keep playing until last one on the original line is still there.

Partner Duck, Duck, Goose:  Start by placing the children in pairs.  Each partner faces the other about two to three feet apart; close enough to be able to touch each other with a hand.  Mark a safety line off about 20 to 30 feet behind each player. Each player takes turns tapping the other on the shoulder and saying either “duck or goose”.  When a player says “duck” nothing happens. When a player says “goose” he or she turns and runs to the safety line while the other player chases. If the chaser tags the runner before the runner reaches the safety line, the chaser wins the turn and they return to the starting area for another turn.  If the runner makes it to the safety line without being tagged, the runner wins the turn and a new game is started.

Partner Tasks: Students will work in pairs.  Each partner will line up on the sidelines across from each other.  They will be given different tasks to do. For each task they are given they will run to the middle and meet and perform the task together.  Example: 1) give each other a high five 2) give each other a low five 3) give each other a sole five 4) do 10 jumping jacks 5) do 10 pushups 6) do 10 ski-jumps.

Playing Card Warm-up: As the students enter the gym they go to the middle circle and draw 2-3 cards from the pile.  They will then match the number/letter on the card with the numbers on the posters and perform the exercise posted.  

Playing Card Warm-up II: As the students enter the gym they go to the middle circle and draw one playing card from the pile  (two decks with 2’s, 3’s, & 4’s removed). They match the suit of the playing card to one of the four posters in the corners of the gym and go to that corner.  The posters tell them what activity to perform and the number on the playing card tells them the number of repetitions. When completed, he/she goes back to the center of the gym to get another card.  Picture cards count as 10 and aces are 11. When the students complete five cards, they sit in their homes.  

Pushup Fun:  Students will work in pairs.  Have students either side by side or facing each other approximately 1 foot apart.  Pushup tag: One person begins as “it” and attempts to tag their partner on the hand while remaining in pushup position. You can only move your hands not your whole body.  “It” person is constantly changing. High Five pushups: Partners will proceed to give each other a high five with the left hand and then the right hand while remaining in pushup position.  They will continue this pattern for 1-2 minutes.

Stretching: Have the students perform various stretches in their home space.  Be sure to stretch each area of the body. The teacher should lead the activity.  

Tag Team Running: Each student will pick a partner.  While #1 partner is running a lap, #2 is performing a specific exercise.  When #1 finishes running, he/she tags his/her partner and they switch roles.  The students will run a total of 2-3 laps and do 2-3 different exercises

Trading Cards:  Equipment: a number of different colored cards & colored wallstops.

Give each student a colored card.  Students move throughout the gym, switching cards.  After 45-60 seconds give them the signal to stop and whatever color card they are holding will determine which wallstop to go to.  If a student has a red card they go to the red wallstop and pick and exercise from the list to perform. After a certain time, signal them to begin moving and switching cards again.  

Tug of War: Divide the class into evenly matched teams. Have the rope going across the length of the gym.  The team in which has their anchor touch the red mat first is the winner. Be sure to switch teams around so everyone has a chance to be on a winning team.

Concerns: Be cautious when moving around the gym and working in partners.
This idea is from:


Haunted House


Haunted House

State Standard: 1, 3, & 4

Equipment: Several Beanbags, Buckets, Cones, and pool noodles (tag sticks) Grade: K-5
Purpose of Event: Work on Listening skills, directions, strategy, lots of movement
Time: 20-25 minutes
Big circle of cones around the gym – the haunted house walls. Place all your bean bags in the middle of the circle – candy. Put Hula hoops by the walls of the gym – candy buckets2 people at each station. Pick four students to be  taggers in the middle of the haunted house (ghosts). Taggers can’t leave house area. The other students are trying to steal the candy from the haunted house. Description:
Try to enter the haunted house  and steal 1 piece of candy without being tagged by a ghosts. If a student gets tagged, they put candy back and go back and tag their partner.  (For 3-5 classes I have them perform an exercise before they attempt to steal again). For K-1 students, they go back to bucket and do jumping jacks or whatever at their buckets.Modifications:
You may only tag your partner, and nobody else. Once you have decided to run to the West or East, you may not change your mind.  Get back to the line as soon as you get to the base line, or are tagged.
Concerns: Being safe while tagging. Making sure students are staying in their order. For the older kids: No cheating!!!! 
This idea is from: Amy Bertrand, Sioux Falls School District., Laura Wilder Elementary School 


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Projector Samples



K-2 Warm-up (switch activity when the slide switches)


Found  on ==> https://www.cbhpe.org/projector






Via Kevin Tiller ==> @physedreview



Locomotor Dice


Via Holly Donchev ==>  @eatplants2move


Locomotor License


Locomotor License

State Standard: 1, 3, 4

Equipment: Hoop for each students; MusicStudents must have a general knowledge of personal/general space, and be able to move safely in gym. Students must also know basic locomotor skills, in addition to other non-locomotor skills. Grade: K-2
Purpose of Event: Students will practice locomotor skills and moving safely in personal and general space.
Time: 15-20 minutes

Each student is given a spot on the floor, this is their personal space, no one else is allowed to be on their spot.  We use our hands/arms to make a circle around our bodies, this is also our personal space.  Then I walk around the gym walking in the general space.  I next have them move in the general space. 1-2 minutes

Now we are ready for the hoops (cars!) I tell each student that their spot is their parking garage, and when the music stops they must go back to the garage right away, when it is playing they can move in the general space, using the locomotor movement that I tell them.  The Hoop will be the car, it is their personal space, they are the only person in the car, and they don’t want to touch anyone else, “crash”.

The teacher is known as the Police Officer, or Traffic Cop, and will be looking for safe drivers!  Hand each student a Hoop, and have them follow the movement cues.  Here are some examples:

Speed limit: Walking Bumpy Road: Skipping
Narrow Road: Galloping School Crossing: Slow Motion Walking
Road Construction: Leap over Pot holes (spots on floor) Flat Tire: Hopping (one foot)
Interstate driving: Running Shiners: All in one line/follow the leader
Out of gas: take a brake at your spot, and fill up Traffic Jam: 5 Bell jumps! (Feet together, jump side to side)
Raining: Windshield wipers (do 5 Jumping Jacks) Emergency: Freeze right where you are!
Stuck in the mud: Run in place Ambulance: to closest wall
Other modes of transportation’s: sailboat, van, taxi, space shuttle, police car, motorcycle, jet, ship, hot air balloon, tug boat, dump truck, train, canoe, bicycle, lots of possibilities!

Locomotor Movements: run, walk, hop, skip, jump, leap, slide, gallop, step-hopNon-Locomotor Movements: bending, twisting, turning, rocking, swaying, balancing, stretching, pushing, pulling

Fun Stuff: march, swim, robot, stiff, smooth, skate, float, fly, tiptoe, Pac man (stay on lines), slow motion, straight, curvy, zig zag, windy, wide, skinny, centipede (step one foot right in front of other), hard smooth, snowman melting, and that is just a few!

You can also create a license for each student, students not following directions receive a ticket (check mark on the license). Students with 3 check will have their license revoked and be sent to traffic school….time away from the game. Laminate the License and collect them at the end of class.

I have gotten a Transportation Bulletin board set that has 20+ vehicles on it that I hold up so they can see what the vehicles look like, fun visual!  They also have the word to go with the photo, so I can add a little spelling in to my class too, Principals love that!


Eagles Drivers License

Student Permit       Name: Eric Eagle

Grade:_____         Height: Just Tall Enough     Weight: Just My Size

Address: 701 S. Roberts Ave, SD 57103

Traffic Violations:      1:_____     2: _____     3: _____

Restrictions: NONE!  I know my locomotor and non-locomotor skills

Concerns: Make sure students are moving safely! No Crashing allowed!
This idea is from: Tracy Nelson, Associate Professor, South Dakota State University,  Brookings S.D. Orginal idea from a lesson found on PE Central, by Kimberly Kennell www.pecentral.com/lessonideas called Locomotor License; a lesson from Becky Farra called Driving Warm Up www.pittschools.org  farrafmy@mwt.net and some ideas of my own!

Parachute: Jaws


Parachute: Jaws

State Standard: 1, 3, 4

Equipment: Parachute large enough for all to hold
Grade: K-2
Purpose of Event: Movement, teamwork, Upper body strength, Move safely in general space
Time: 15-20 minutes
Choose two players to be the sharks, who position themselves under the middle of the chute on all fours. On signal “go” standing players, shade the chute gently to create waves while the sharks swim around under the chute. Sharks gently grab the leg of a parachute player and pull that player under the chute. The two players change roles and repeat the game until everyone has been a shark.
Concerns: Cautious moving around the parachute, could be slippery if stepped on. Watch were you are going.
This idea is from:  Benda Berseth @ Medary Elementary, Brookings S.D.