Noodle Activities


Noodle Activities

State Standard: 1, 3, & 4

Equipment: Several Pool Noodles (long and short) for each student Grade: K-3
Purpose of Event: Balance, Chasing, Fleeing, Teamwork
Time: 18-25 minutes

  Give each student their own pool noodle. 

Noodle circles—-
Clap Game
      depending on grade, start with 2 or 3 (k,1,2)
      hold together with both hands, ends facing out
      throw in the air, clap, and catch only with your hands
      2 times in a row = getting one more from bucket
      must be verified by the partner
Walking Balance Game
      depending on grade, start with 2 or 3 (k,1,2)
      have them balance noodles on a body part and walk around
      top of head, back of hand, chicken wing elbow, etc
Resting Balance Game
      in a group of 2 or 3, one person lays flat on the back
      others go to bin one at a time and grab one circle
      carefully place the noodle on the resting person’s forehead wtih only one hand
      once it’s on, can’t touch it or move it
      repeat until it falls
      same as above, but place noodles on the floor instead
Noodle Sticks—
Leaning Tower
      sticks that have ends that are angled 
      face partner, each has a stick, extend sticks to touch ends
      hold it with your right index finger next to your right leg (upright)
      partners say, ready to go, then release their noodles to run forward to catch their partner’s stick before it hits the floor
Ankle Biter
      same sticks as above
      face partner, each has a stick, extend sticks to touch ends
      that is your invisible circumference circle
      move about that circle trying to hit your partner’s ankles or shoes
Hornet Tag
      same sticks
      throw 4 or 5 sticks on the floor
      everyone vs. everyone, use the entire gym
      whoever wants to be a hornet can pick up a stinger(stick)
            off the gym floor.
      They chase and tag someone from the knee down, only
      after success, they drop their stinger and run away
      a person who got stung cannot pick the stinger that stung them
      they do whatever exercise you list for being stung, then resume the game
      you can pick up a different stinger after using one, but NO ONE has to pick up a stinger to become a hornet…it is optional


Be safe! Do not run into one another. 

This idea is from Jon Peterson, PE Teacher Robert Frost Elementary