Pin-Galore Hockey

Pin-Galore Hockey

State Standard: 1, & 3

Equipment:  20 Plastic pins, Several gator-skin balls, Hockey Sticks (enough for two teams), and Poly Spots
Grade: 3-5
Purpose of Event: Using Long-Handled Implements while striking a Ball. 
Time: 15-20 minutes
Place 10 foam pins on each side of the gym on Poly Spots. Put several poly spots down the middle of the gym to separate into two halves. 
This is a modification to the regular game of floor hockey.  Instead of the typical scoring (puck into a hockey net), players will try to knock over the other team’s pins while striking a gator-skin ball with their hockey stick! If a player strikes the ball and it knocks down a pin from the other team their team scores a point (I use a digital scoreboard). Once the pin is down it stays down!!!!!  Once one team has knocked all the other teams pins down their team wins. Goalies are optional. If I do use a goal they must be in-between the pins to protect. 

No high sticking. Both hands must be on the hockey stick. If a student breaks the rules they go to the penalty box (area where students have to do an exercise to get back in the game). 

Concerns: Be cautious when students are using their hockey sticks!!! 
This idea is from: Idea modified from


Locomotor License


Locomotor License

State Standard: 1, 3, 4

Equipment: Hoop for each students; MusicStudents must have a general knowledge of personal/general space, and be able to move safely in gym. Students must also know basic locomotor skills, in addition to other non-locomotor skills. Grade: K-2
Purpose of Event: Students will practice locomotor skills and moving safely in personal and general space.
Time: 15-20 minutes

Each student is given a spot on the floor, this is their personal space, no one else is allowed to be on their spot.  We use our hands/arms to make a circle around our bodies, this is also our personal space.  Then I walk around the gym walking in the general space.  I next have them move in the general space. 1-2 minutes

Now we are ready for the hoops (cars!) I tell each student that their spot is their parking garage, and when the music stops they must go back to the garage right away, when it is playing they can move in the general space, using the locomotor movement that I tell them.  The Hoop will be the car, it is their personal space, they are the only person in the car, and they don’t want to touch anyone else, “crash”.

The teacher is known as the Police Officer, or Traffic Cop, and will be looking for safe drivers!  Hand each student a Hoop, and have them follow the movement cues.  Here are some examples:

Speed limit: Walking Bumpy Road: Skipping
Narrow Road: Galloping School Crossing: Slow Motion Walking
Road Construction: Leap over Pot holes (spots on floor) Flat Tire: Hopping (one foot)
Interstate driving: Running Shiners: All in one line/follow the leader
Out of gas: take a brake at your spot, and fill up Traffic Jam: 5 Bell jumps! (Feet together, jump side to side)
Raining: Windshield wipers (do 5 Jumping Jacks) Emergency: Freeze right where you are!
Stuck in the mud: Run in place Ambulance: to closest wall
Other modes of transportation’s: sailboat, van, taxi, space shuttle, police car, motorcycle, jet, ship, hot air balloon, tug boat, dump truck, train, canoe, bicycle, lots of possibilities!

Locomotor Movements: run, walk, hop, skip, jump, leap, slide, gallop, step-hopNon-Locomotor Movements: bending, twisting, turning, rocking, swaying, balancing, stretching, pushing, pulling

Fun Stuff: march, swim, robot, stiff, smooth, skate, float, fly, tiptoe, Pac man (stay on lines), slow motion, straight, curvy, zig zag, windy, wide, skinny, centipede (step one foot right in front of other), hard smooth, snowman melting, and that is just a few!

You can also create a license for each student, students not following directions receive a ticket (check mark on the license). Students with 3 check will have their license revoked and be sent to traffic school….time away from the game. Laminate the License and collect them at the end of class.

I have gotten a Transportation Bulletin board set that has 20+ vehicles on it that I hold up so they can see what the vehicles look like, fun visual!  They also have the word to go with the photo, so I can add a little spelling in to my class too, Principals love that!


Eagles Drivers License

Student Permit       Name: Eric Eagle

Grade:_____         Height: Just Tall Enough     Weight: Just My Size

Address: 701 S. Roberts Ave, SD 57103

Traffic Violations:      1:_____     2: _____     3: _____

Restrictions: NONE!  I know my locomotor and non-locomotor skills

Concerns: Make sure students are moving safely! No Crashing allowed!
This idea is from: Tracy Nelson, Associate Professor, South Dakota State University,  Brookings S.D. Orginal idea from a lesson found on PE Central, by Kimberly Kennell called Locomotor License; a lesson from Becky Farra called Driving Warm Up and some ideas of my own!

Parachute: Jaws


Parachute: Jaws

State Standard: 1, 3, 4

Equipment: Parachute large enough for all to hold
Grade: K-2
Purpose of Event: Movement, teamwork, Upper body strength, Move safely in general space
Time: 15-20 minutes
Choose two players to be the sharks, who position themselves under the middle of the chute on all fours. On signal “go” standing players, shade the chute gently to create waves while the sharks swim around under the chute. Sharks gently grab the leg of a parachute player and pull that player under the chute. The two players change roles and repeat the game until everyone has been a shark.
Concerns: Cautious moving around the parachute, could be slippery if stepped on. Watch were you are going.
This idea is from:  Benda Berseth @ Medary Elementary, Brookings S.D.


Football Hoop Tag

Football Hoop Tag

State Standard: 1, & 3

Equipment:  5 hoops, 5 nerf footballs (may need more depending on number of students) 3 noodles (for tagging), music
Grade: 4-8 (1-3 with koosh balls)
Purpose of Event: Throwing and Catching skills, Locomotor movement
Time: 15-20 minutes

Scatter 5 hoops around on the floor, and have a student start in each with a football. (You may need to add hoops/balls)  Give out 3 noodles for tagging.  At the start of the music, the taggers start to tag as many people as possible (people in the hoops cannot be tagged).  If you get tagged you are frozen.  Once frozen you must get the attention of someone in a hoop and have them throw you a football.  If the football is caught, you are un-frozen, and take the spot of the person in the hoop, that threw you the ball.  If you do NOT catch the ball you remain frozen until you catch a ball.  People that are not frozen, need to pick up the balls that are not caught, and give them back to the students in the hoops, because the students in the hoops may not leave the hoops until they are replaced.  You cannot be frozen if you have a football in your hands.

Stop every couple of minutes to switch taggers, also change the locomotor movements.

I would play this with lower grades, but use a koosh ball instead and have more hoops and balls since the throwing and catching isn’t as controlled.

Concerns: Be cautious of the hoops, don’t step on them, they slide.  Throw carefully, lots of movement going on.
This idea is from: “Great Activities”


Pass Me The Spider (or Chicken)

Pass Me The Spider (or Chicken)

State Standard: 1, 3, & 4

Equipment:  2 noodles, 2 stuffed spiders (chickens)
Grade: K-2
Purpose of Event: Work on Catching, Throwing, Movement, Locomotor, Personal/General Space
Time: 10-25 minutes
Select 2 students to start with the noodles, they will be freezing people.  Two students will start with the spiders, the spiders will “thaw-out” frozen students and allow them to move again.  Spiders will be passes to someone who is frozen, so they will change hands often.  

If you are frozen, you must sit and say, “please pass me the spider” to a student with a spider.  The student with the spider will then pass it off.  Spiders should be moving to different people all the time so no one stays frozen for more than a few seconds.  If the spider is in your hands, you can not be frozen.  After about a minute, switch the students with the noodles.

Start the game by walking, and then change to different locomotor skills as the game progresses and they get the hang of it.

Concerns: Moving safely in general and personal space
This idea is from:


Barnyard Blitz Field Day 2019



Scooter Hockey


Scooter Hockey

State Standard: 1, 3

Equipment:  One scooter per player except the goalies, 4 cones, 2 plastic pucks, one scooter hockey stick per player, 2 goalie masks, gym tape Grade: 4-5 (possibly 3rd)
Purpose of Event: Manipulation, Control, Team Play

Organization: Form two equal teams with each team starting in its half of the gym.  Students should be sitting on their scooters with one team having red sticks and the other yellow sticks.  Use two cones, spaced 10 feet apart, to mark out a goal area at each end of the gym. One player from each team is the goalie.  The goalie does not need a scooter. Form a goalie box directly in front of the goal to protect the goalie. Use gym tape to create the box, which should be 10 feet wide and 10 feet deep.  Place the pucks in the middle of the play area between the two opposing teams.

Scooter Hockey:

  1. The object of the game is to shoot the puck between the opposition’s goal to score. Adding another puck will create more activity.
  2. On the signal the teams begin play by facing off in the center area.  The face-off is repeated after every goal.
  3. Penalties: The following penalties are punishable by moving to the penalty box.  (designated area)
  • The Pucks may not be touched with the free hand, excluding the goalie.
  • Rough Play
  • Falling off scooter
  • Causing a puck to become air borne, including the goalie.
  • Moving into the goalies protective box.
  1. Play should begin with one player from each team in the penalty box.  As a penalty occurs the penalized player should carry their scooter over to the penalty box and exchange positions with the player in the penalty box.
Concerns:  Must be able to move in general space safely and while on the scooters. Be careful when trying to strike the hockey puck that nobody is around the shooter. 
This idea is from:  myself


Hit The Ball

Hit The Ball

State Standard: 2 & 3

Equipment: ball per student, (koosh ball and nerf ball per pair) lots of wall space Grade: K-5
Purpose of Event: Work on throwing under and over hand, Hand-eye coordination, Timing, Aiming, Team work
Time: 15-20 minutes
One partner stands near the wall and tosses the nerf ball into the air. the other partner throw his/her koosh ball attempting to hit the tossed ball. Alternate who throw which ball, about every 5 tosses. Need to focus on team work.

**Could be a possible station activity for K-2 students.**

Concerns: Make sure the person throwing the koosh ball is throwing at a wall so it stays safe. Have lots of room between partners.
This idea is from: WOW Workshop

Hit The Spot

Hit The Spot

State Standard: 1, 2 & 3

Equipment: Ball (nerf) and poly spot per pair of students Grade: K-5
Purpose of Event: Work on throwing under and over hand, Hand-eye coordination, Timing, Aiming, & Teamwork
Time: 15-20 minutes
Line up students in a double line about 10-15 feet apart, facing their partners. Place a poly spot between them. Objective is to throw the ball and have it hit the spot.

Each of these 5x’s and then continue to next, can also switch partners if you would like: Start by having the students standing and throw; then Jump up and throw while in the air; 3 steps and throw; 3 steps jump and throw. (Even with the steps, they should still be 10-15′ from the poly spot.) Increase distance as skill improves.

**Could be a possible station activity for K-2 students.**

Concerns: Have lots of space between pairs
This idea is from: WOW Workshop

Scooter Soccer


Scooter Soccer

State Standard: 1, 2, & 4

Equipment:  2 large Exercise Balls, Several Scooters, Colored Jersey’s, and cones.  Grade: 3-5
Purpose of Event: Practice the skills of soccer (kicking, passing, and teamwork) in a modified scooter activity. 
Time: 15-20 minutes

Split students into four equal teams. I have a double gym (which helps). Put the curtain down to split the gym into two separte courts. Give each student a scooter.

The will be two teams playing each other on one side of the gym while the other two teams will be playing on their court (other side of gym). Each team member has a scooter. The students objective is to kick the ball (Fitness Balls) against the mat on each end to score points. After a couple minutes switch teams. I do not have any goalies in this game. All students are scorers and defenders. Students are NOT allowed to use their hands at any point. 


The players can only use their feet to kick the ball. If they use their hands the ball is awarded to the other team and that player has to sit in the penalty box. Students MUST stay on their scooter (bottoms). If student is chronically falling of their scooter they will be sent to the penalty box (designated area in the gym) for a few minutes. 

Concerns: Students falling of their scooters. Scooters being run into one another (pinching fingers) and making sure the ball does not hit anyone. 
This idea is from: I have seen many versions of this game, but I have modified it for my students and the space I have.