Line Tag

Line Tag

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State Standards: 3
Equipment: gym with lots of lines, 2-3 bean bags (anything to pass/tag with) Grade: K+ (higher grades I use as a quick warm up
Purpose of Event: Following directions, balance on lines, body control
Time:10-15 minutes
Description:I choose 2-3 students to be taggers. I give them a bean bag.  All students must walk on the lines of the gym.  I don’t allow “passing”  when you meet another student on the same line as you. We call it a road block and someone will need to turn around.  If you get touched/tagged by the bean bag, the person who was the “tagger” passes the bean bag off to whomever they tagged.  Bean bags should be switching people often.  I have a “no tag back” rule (you can’t tag the person that tagged you).
Concerns: Bean bags are never to be thrown at people. If the taggers are “getting” kids, add a few more bean bags
This idea is from: Mark Harming, Physical Education Teacher: Chamberlain Elementary

About mrkirsch

Greetings from Garfield Elementary School! My name is Dan Kirsch. I teach Physical Education for students in grades K-5! Please read about what students are learning within our Physical Education program at Garfield!!