Life of an Educator: Educator comfort to student learning ratio

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So, my career in education is fast approaching a decade… ten full years as an educator! Wow does the time fly…

Just recently I’ve seemed to have an epiphany, and this epiphany is born out of transition, adaptation, change, and transformation.
I’ve definitely had moments of discomfort and uncertainty in my education career. I’ve been asked to do things I wasn’t ready for or prepared to do. I’ve been put in positions that have pushed my boundaries and have pushed my levels of knowledge and expertise. I’ve experienced countless nights wondering about how new changes or new ideas will turn out and how they will be perceived by others.
I’m almost gotten comfortable with being uncomfortable…

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About mrkirsch

Greetings from Garfield Elementary School! My name is Dan Kirsch. I teach Physical Education for students in grades K-5! Please read about what students are learning within our Physical Education program at Garfield!!