Physical Education Teachers ==> Learning Spikeball


Sioux Fall Physical Education Teachers in @SFSchools learning how play Spikeball!! Thank you so much for coming to Sioux Falls School District and #‎teaching us #‎Physed teachers Spikeball! Had a great time!! After being out of the #‎PhysicalEducation classroom for a couple years and finally having the opportunity to go back I cannot wait to teach this game to my students at Garfieldphyed!! I believe it is one of the best cardiovascular & communication games I have ever played or been a part of! I truly believe that any #Physed teacher would be missing out if they haven’t heard or been shown Spikeball! Thanks to Skyler Boles for coming to Sioux Falls and instructing! #‎PEMatters‬

About mrkirsch

Greetings from Garfield Elementary School! My name is Dan Kirsch. I teach Physical Education for students in grades K-5! Please read about what students are learning within our Physical Education program at Garfield!!