Sink The Ship



Sink The Ship

State Standard1, 2, & 4

EquipmentPins, mats, gatorskin or soft balls. Grade: K-5
Purpose of Event: Overhand Throwing Cues, Catching Cues
Time: 15-20 minutes
Description: Two teams of three play against each other across the playing area or gym. Set up the gym so you have one mat (ship) for each three students. Have the players in the game agree on how far the mats will be from each other. On the floor in front of each mat, set up four pins. Place a scooter (lifeboat) and four gator skin or soft balls (ammunition) on the mat to start.

Designate someone to ride the lifeboat (scooter). The person on the scooter is the only person who can retrieve balls from the sea (gym floor) and bring them back to their mat (ship). However, the students on the mats may catch thrown balls or reach for them on the floor keeping one foot on the mat. The students on the mat are trying to knock down the pins at the other mat by throwing balls using correct overhand technique. At least one foot must be on their mat at all times.

When all the pins by your mat are knocked down, set them up and restart the game with another person on both teams lifeboats.

Variations: After all teams have played at least one game have them select another team to play.

Concerns: Move safely around the gym.
This idea is from: Carly Glanzman 


Football Downs

Football Downs

State Standard: 1 & 3

Equipment: 1 Football for each group of 3, 3 Cones for each group, and a bean bag for each group
Grade: 4+
Purpose of Event: Passing, Catching, Team Work
Time: 15-20 minutes

Divide class into groups of 3 (quarterback, receiver, and defender).  Each group will need two on offense and one of defense.  Set out three cones, each 10 yards apart (10 yards=30 feet = half the volleyball court)  Starting at the first cone,  have the offense place the ball on a bean bag which represents the line of scrimmage.  From there, the offense runs their play that they made up with the receiver running to an open space.  The quarter back throws the ball to the receiver once they are in an open space.  If caught the receiver places the ball at the spot where they caught the ball.  They now move the bean bag up to where the receiver caught the ball.  If the bean bag is past the first cone on the field, they get another first down or four more tries.  If the bean bag is not to the first cone, it becomes second down and so on.

If the pass is not caught, the bean bag doesn’t get to be moved up and the ball comes back to the line of scrimmage  for the next down, or try from the same place.  I explain to the students that they get four downs (or tries) to get the ball to the next cone. If the Defense intercepts the ball, the Offense gets the ball back, but it counts towards one of their downs/tries.

If they do not get the ball to the next cone by completing the passes in four tries or if the defender intercepts the ball, the defender and one offensive players then become the offense and start from the first cone again.  Have children rotate positions so that everyone gets to play all three positions.  (See Three Person Continuous Football)  A touch down is scored if the offense moves the ball past the last of the three cones.

Concerns: Spread the students out, safe throws.
This idea is from: This idea is from: Natalie Ross, Westbrook, MN.