Dot Shooting


Dot Shooting

State Standard: 1, 2, & 4

Equipment: Several basketballs, basketball hoops, cones, poly spots, & hula-hoops Grade: 2-5
Purpose of Event: Dribbling a basketball while attempting a shot.
Time: 20-25 minutes

Organization:  Divide the class into 4 teams (relay style) and have them line up outside the three point line at each basketball hoop (my gym has four hoops). Give each team one basketball. Place several poly spots (I used six) around the inside of the perimeter to mark the spots where students shoot from. 

Dot Shooting: On the signal, the first player in each line will dribble their basketball to a poly spot “dots” and attempt a shot (using the proper progression as much as possible). If the player makes their shot from the specific dot they pick-up it up and place it in their teams hula-hoop (holder for poly spots). The next player in line then attempts their shot from another dot (once receiving the pass from the first player). However, if this player misses their shot they do NOT pick up their dot and return the pass the next player. The goal is for each team to collect all their dots before the other teams by making their shots from each dot. Once a team has collect all their dots that team wins. If there is time we start another round.

Variations: For older students; move the poly spots outside the perimeter or three point line for tougher shots. May have to move spots in closer and lower the hoops for the younger students.

Concerns: Move safely around the gym. Make sure students are taking turns and staying in their order in their lines!!
This idea is from: Seen it many places.


Castle Smashers



Castle Smashers

State Standard: 1, 2, 3, 5
Equipment: 4 folded mats, 10-12 cones, 5-10 seven inch gator skin balls, 5-10 volleyball size gator skin balls Grade: K-3
Purpose: Teamwork – Cooperative Learning – Throwing Skills
Time: 15-25 Minutes


  • Divide the class into two teams, place two mats on edge around the free throw line (adjust distance based on skill level of throwers) place 2-3 cones on each mat.

How to play:  

  • I tell a story about two kings and how they have a moat that divides their kingdom and they send out their armies to try to defeat the other kingdom.
  • Half court line is the moat. They are catapults (their arms) and they sling boulders (gator skin balls) at the castles trying to destroy the towers.   The small balls are arrows and their arms are the cross bows, they try to hit the other team, if they get out they have exercises to get back into the game. If your castle gets smashed you become part of the other kingdom. We then restart the game. 


  • You can have Ss try and catch the “boulders,” which would allow students to put up one of their towers that was knocked over. 
Concerns: Be Careful when throwing the balls to hit the cones. Make sure students are knocking the cones down from the mats on purpose. 
This idea is from: Mark Struck, Physical Education Teacher, Sioux Falls School District, Sioux Falls, SD. 


Mission Impossible



Mission Impossible

State Standard: 1, 2, 3, 5
Equipment: 3-4 Scooters, 5 Frisbee’s, 5 Ropes, [Same color as team], 3-4 Mats, 1-2 Balance Beams, Tires, Benches, & anything to create a challenge. Music: “Mission Impossible” Theme Song Grade: K-5
Purpose: Teamwork – Cooperative Learning
Time: 15-25 Minutes


Set-up items in the gym anyway to create a challenge for the students. 


  • Each team attempts to get ALL to the to the other side together as a “team.” Discourage students to take off with their team. The first team to make it to the other side wins.


  • Each participate on both teams must use the equipment given to make it across to the other side WITHOUT touching the gym floor. Any student who does touch the floor MUST return back to their starting side and begin again. 
  • Team equipment can only be used by designated team. The team of that color. Equipment must be used in the “journey” from one side of the gym to the other. 
  • Frisbee’s can only be stepped on!!! DO NOT SLIDE!! 
Concerns: Be Careful when trying to step from one Frisbee to another. Make sure students sit on the scooters (DO NOT STAND). 
This idea is from: Jim Jensen, Retired Physical Education Teacher, Sioux Falls School District, Sioux Falls, SD. 


Diagram below ==> 


© DanKirsch