Parachute: Flip and Catch

Parachute: Flip & Catch

State Standard: 1, 3, & 4

Equipment: Parachute large enough for all to hold, balls
Grade: K-2
Purpose of Event: Movement, teamwork, Upper body strength
Time: 10-15 minutes


Place many balls on the chute. Have 1/2 of the students holding the parachute and the other half around it. the group holding the chute tries to flip the balls off while the outside group tries to catch the balls. The holding team receives a point for each ball that is on the floor when the time is up, and the outside group receives a point for each ball on the chute.

-OR- Number students of 1-2-1-2, etc. Have them all lift the parachute, using the cue: “1, 2, Lift” and they all lift it together. After about 2-3 seconds, Tell the students “DOWN” and have them all bring the chute down together. See what happens to the balls. If some fall off it is okay. Take turns have in students “1” or “2” get the balls and put them back on the chute. I only let each student get one ball. Might not have to “put up” every time, if the “lift” isn’t good, not a lot of balls will fall off.

Concerns: Cautious moving around the parachute, could be slippery if stepped on. Watch were you are going.
This idea is from: Benda Berseth @ Medary Elementary, Brookings S.D.


About mrkirsch

Greetings from Garfield Elementary School! My name is Dan Kirsch. I teach Physical Education for students in grades K-5! Please read about what students are learning within our Physical Education program at Garfield!!

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