Week 1 – 3/24/2020-3/27/2020

Day 1 – Activities

State Standard: 2 & 3

Email: Dan.Kirsch@k12.sd.us Grade: K-2
Purpose of Event: Lifetime Fitness and Movement Education
Time: 30 minutes
Bear Crawl Around House from room to room for 10 minutes (rest when needed).

Main Activity: Toss and Catch (Rolled Up Sock)
Do each activity for 3 minutes (2 minutes are allotted for transition between activities)


Closing Activity:
Choose one of the other:
A) Walk for 5 minutes
B) Ask your parents/guardians for a chore you can help with. 

 Resources: ==> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FyqkUddvIRzB1UZxKdUNMY9JLb1TIX7f/view
Assessment: Write a comment when completed (could be an emoji = 😊👍😒😢) . Either on this blog post or hard copy (return to Mr. Kirsch at school).


Day 1 – Activities

State Standard: 2 & 3

Email: Dan.Kirsch@k12.sd.us Grade: 3-5
Purpose of Event: Lifetime Fitness and Movement Education
Time: 30 minutes
Bear Crawl Around House from room to room for 10 minutes (rest when needed).

Main Activity:

Follow Instructions on the Image Below. Repeat this for 5 Rounds:  


Closing Activity:
Choose one of the other:
A) Walk for 5 minutes
B) Ask your parents/guardians for a chore you can help with. 

Resource: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FyqkUddvIRzB1UZxKdUNMY9JLb1TIX7f/view
Assessment: Write a comment when completed (could be an emoji = 😊👍😒😢) . Either on this blog post or hard copy (return to Mr. Kirsch at school).


Day 2 – Activities

State Standard: 2 & 3

remote learning Grade: K-5
Purpose of Event: Lifetime Fitness and Movement Education
Time: 30 minutes
Bicycle Challenge: Lay on your back and pedal the bicycle for 3 minutes.


Main Activity: Dance It Out (25 minutes). Follow the movements on the screen!! 


NO Technology ==> Complete each exercise as many times as you can. 30 seconds to 1 minute rest between each exercise. 



Closing Activity:
Move Like an Animal  (4 minutes). Use your imagination!!! 

 Resource: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FyqkUddvIRzB1UZxKdUNMY9JLb1TIX7f/view
Assessment: Write a comment when completed (could be an emoji = 😊👍😒😢) . Either on this blog post or hard copy (return to Mr. Kirsch at school).


About mrkirsch

Greetings from Garfield Elementary School! My name is Dan Kirsch. I teach Physical Education for students in grades K-5! Please read about what students are learning within our Physical Education program at Garfield!!


    1. Tell Amy I miss her and the rest of the Garfield students. Glad to hear she is participating with her Mom. 👍👍

  1. Thank you Mr. K for making this happen! I did day 1 activities. It was so much fun! I can’t wait to do the next activity!

  2. i kinda got it but some of em were hard and i sweated so bad and i stinked so i had to take a shower.My mom asked me what are u doing and i said pe and she said do ur work and i said i am she said what is pe and i said a class we take and she started laugh.My sister was watching me and i fell and she cried laughing.THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN AND I WILL DO THE EVERYDAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

    1. That is so great to hear Rukia!!! I am glad you enjoyed the activities and that you got a workout in!!! I miss you all very much!! Hope you and your family are staying safe and healthy!!! Take Care Mr. Kirsch!! 👍👍👍😊😊😊

  3. Jacob (and his brother Zach and sister Natalie) had a great time doing this activity.
    Hope all is well. Jacob says hi!

    1. Excellent!!! I am so glad they enjoyed it!! Thank you for sharing!!! Hope all is well and everyone is staying safe and healthy! Tell them Mr. Kirsch misses everyone!! 👍👍👍👍

  4. Lily Halbritter says: “Your video was good and so was the exercise! Is Elizabeth doing good?”

    1. Elizabeth is doing great!! Tell Lily hi!! Hope she enjoys the activities. Mr. Kirsch misses all his students!

    1. You are welcome!!! Miss you and the rest of our Garfield students/staff as well!!! Stay safe and healthy!!! Hope you enjoy next weeks blog post of new activities!!! Take Care!! 👍👍👍😊😊😊

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