Week 2 – 3/30/2020-4/3/2020


K-2 = Activities

State Standard: 2 & 3

Email: Dan.Kirsch@k12.sd.us  Grade: K-2
Purpose of Event: Lifetime Fitness and Movement Enrichment Education
Time: 30 minutes
Warm-up: Choose One  
A) 7 Minute Animal HIIT Warm-up

B) Hokey Pokey ==>


Main Activity: Toss and Catch (Rolled Up Sock) – 20 Minutes
Today we’re going to have fun exploring movement with Beans Bag or Socks (Rolled up into a small ball). Grab a family member!!! See the instructions below on what activities you can do. 

Checkout the video below for more ideas!!!! Thank you Tanner Roos!!!

Closing Activity (Yoga): 5-7 minutes
Choose three poses to perform with parents. Hold each pose for 30sec to 60 sec

 Resources: ==> GoNoodle & openphysed.org
Assessment: Write a comment when completed. Either on this blog post or hard copy (return to Mr. Kirsch at school). You can also attach a picture/video and send it to Mr. Kirsch’s email: Dan.Kirsch@k12.sd.us


3-5 = Activities

State Standard: 2 & 3

Email: Dan.Kirsch@k12.sd.us Grade: 3-5
Purpose of Event: Lifetime Fitness and Movement Enrichment Education
Time: 30 minutes


Watch the video below. Whether on your chromebook, TV, Laptop, IPAD, and/or your phone and complete the Fortnite Dance Workout!!! This goes for 5 minutes. If you do NOT have technological device an alternative activity will be available below. 

Those students without Technology your activity is below ==> Try as many rounds as possible in 7-8 minutes. 

Main Activity:

Flip The Coin Fitness!!! Flip Your Coin 9 times as explained. See below for images on #HowTo perform the exercises!!! Have Fun!!! Complete this Activity for 4 Rounds. This means once you have finished flipping the coin 9 times = 1 Round. Then you will do it again. You can do this with a family member(s)!!


Jog In Place Crunches Kneeling
Jumping Jacks High Knees Sit-ups


Closing Activity:

Mindful Minutes will help slow down your heart rate and work on some deep breathing. Calming Down. 


Resource: Daily WorkoutsKevin Tiller 
Assessment: Write a comment when completed. Either on this blog post or hard copy (return to Mr. Kirsch at school). You can also attach a picture/video and send it to Mr. Kirsch’s email: Dan.Kirsch@k12.sd.us


Fun Activity

State Standard: 2 & 3

Grade: K-5
Purpose of Event: Enjoying Movement!!
Time: Up To You!!!

Main Activity: This or That Activity.

Do as many rounds as you choose. Do you recognize anyone in the video??



 Resource: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FyqkUddvIRzB1UZxKdUNMY9JLb1TIX7f/view
Assessment: Write a comment when completed. Either on this blog post or hard copy (return to Mr. Kirsch at school).


About mrkirsch

Greetings from Garfield Elementary School! My name is Dan Kirsch. I teach Physical Education for students in grades K-5! Please read about what students are learning within our Physical Education program at Garfield!!


  1. Abby Kooi (302) and Samantha kooi (K01) loved doing the hokey pokey and animal hiit. They did both activities several times

  2. Kennyon H-N : Went on a run with all 7 of his big cousins. he loved being outside and running faster than anybody.

  3. Hello! Thank you for putting this up! I really liked it! I liked the coin flipping, the 9th one (the 20 sit-ups.) I got really shakey afterwards. And yes, I recognized a few people in the This and That video–Mr.. Jackson, Ms. Palmer, Ms. Clarke, and Ms.. Wiley. They were hilarious!

    1. So glad you liked the activity Daniella!!!! I am glad you tried it!!! As for the This or That activity I thought it was funny too!!! Take care!!! 👍👍👍👍

    1. Excellent!!! I am glad to hear that Madison enjoyed the activities!!! Take care!! Let her know Mr. Kirsch misses everyone!! 👍👍👍

  4. Kerrigan says it was great and she likes the yoga at the end because she does yoga with mom alot.

  5. Done, hardest part for me was the main activity because of all the different things you have to do to complete it, I enjoyed it though.

    1. Hey Amara!! I am glad you persevered and finished the main activity even though it may have been difficult!! Way to go!!! 😊😊👍👍

  6. Lily Halbritter says – This was good. My favorite part was the challenge I made up at the end of the video.

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