Scooter Soccer


Scooter Soccer

State Standard: 1, 2, & 4

Equipment:  2 large Exercise Balls, Several Scooters, Colored Jersey’s, and cones.  Grade: 3-5
Purpose of Event: Practice the skills of soccer (kicking, passing, and teamwork) in a modified scooter activity. 
Time: 15-20 minutes

Split students into four equal teams. I have a double gym (which helps). Put the curtain down to split the gym into two separte courts. Give each student a scooter.

The will be two teams playing each other on one side of the gym while the other two teams will be playing on their court (other side of gym). Each team member has a scooter. The students objective is to kick the ball (Fitness Balls) against the mat on each end to score points. After a couple minutes switch teams. I do not have any goalies in this game. All students are scorers and defenders. Students are NOT allowed to use their hands at any point. 


The players can only use their feet to kick the ball. If they use their hands the ball is awarded to the other team and that player has to sit in the penalty box. Students MUST stay on their scooter (bottoms). If student is chronically falling of their scooter they will be sent to the penalty box (designated area in the gym) for a few minutes. 

Concerns: Students falling of their scooters. Scooters being run into one another (pinching fingers) and making sure the ball does not hit anyone. 
This idea is from: I have seen many versions of this game, but I have modified it for my students and the space I have. 


How to set up a Pinterest Board

Step #1

Step #2


Step #3

Step #4

Step 5

Step #6


Step #7


What is this thing called Twitter Chat?


Background Information:

When someone tells you they are participating in a twitter chat for professional development (PD) would you have any idea on what they are talking about? This was me a few years ago when I first got onto twitter. A colleague of mine told me (when I was teaching middle school ICT) that some of the best PD they have ever received was by participating in a twitter chat. I ask this person the obvious question, “How and Why?” They explained to me by engaging in a twitter chat they were able to speak and connect with other colleagues (teachers, professors, researchers, and administrators) across the globe and share ideas on how to make their teaching better, how to improve their teaching, and learn student motivation strategies from those who are in the field! Once I returned to the Physical Education (Physed) classroom I asked myself if there were any Physed teachers on twitter and if they participated (or created) in twitter chats specifically geared towards the Physical Education classroom. After a few trial and errors (looking for Physed teachers to follow on twitter) I found several twitter chats for Physed teachers (these chats will be provided at the bottom of this blog post).

What is a Twitter Chat?

Essentially, a twitter chat is an online conversation. The chat begins usually through a moderator. The moderator is the person who posts the questions that people are to answer on twitter at the time the chat takes place. The twitter chat usually last about an hour. The questions posted by the moderator are found on their websites or blogs (typically). The amount of questions to be answered can vary depending on the moderator and topic being discussed. This where the “hashtag” comes into play!!! 

Hashtag Time

In order for a twitter chat to begin and have people follow the conversation there MUST be a hashtag. A hashtag is a fancy term for “link”. Tags come from blogging websites. Anytime a blogger “tags” something it makes it a link for readers to click and follow topics under that specific tag. The same goes for twitter (micro-blogging). Anytime some puts a hashtag ==> # in front of word(s) it makes it a link (as shown in the tutorial below) for the people to follow. For example, one popular Physical Education twitter chat is #espechat (Elementary School Physical Education Chat). When this twitter chat is taking place those individuals partaking in the chat must search that specific hashtag on twitter in order to follow the chat ==> Check Image. 

The “Chat”

The chat begins once the moderator posts the first question. Typically, the moderator will label the questions to be answered in this manner ==> Q1 (Question 1), Q2 (Question 2), Q3 (Question 3) and so on. When a person is going to provide an answer to a question on the twitter chat they usually respond in this format ==> A1 (Answer to Question #1), A2 (Answer to Question #2), and A3 (Answer to Question 3). For instance, one of the best twitter chats I follow is the #whatisschool chat via Craig Kemp. He posts the questions prior to the chat’s start time on his blog for followers so they know (ahead of time) what the topic is going to be for that week’s chat. This is previous chat where they discussed the Physed classroom and assessment ==> see image.




Plagnets Assessment

The following resources are YouTube videos I found via twitter on how to utilize Plickers within the Physical Education Classroom! The gentlemen: Mike Gincola and Joey Fieth who have provided the information have created what they call “plagnets.” This is using Plickers QR codes and putting them in the form of a magnet where students can go to their Plicker (each student given a number) and assess themselves on whatever the objective or question of the day might be via their Physical Education teacher.

The Plagnet Assessment system also allows the Physical Education Teacher to post multiple choice questions via a handout or on the projector for students to answer with their assigned Plagnet number. My example I gave my students during our basketball unit ==> Click Here.

The following are Plagnets provided by Joey Fieth and Jason Leach:

Global Physed Shared Folder


This is how I use the Plagnets (Joey Fieth version) within my classes. For instance, the question of the day was “How was your effort today?” This is a reflective question for my students. Once the class period is over for the day each student goes to the white board (finds their number) and assess themselves. Now, if I believe student(s) have assessed themselves incorrectly this is where I as their teacher have a great opportunity to offer feedback!!!! By using these I can also post a multiple choice question with these same Plagnets as mentioned above.

Taken by Dan Kirsch. Idea taken from a colleague of  mine  Gretchen  J.

Space Ship Tag

Space Ship Tag

State Standard: 1, 2, & 4

Equipment:   9 planets (picture) 10 cones, Alien/space ship (picture)2-3 foam noodles (tagging), music (star wars theme would be great!) Grade: K-2
Purpose of Event: Movement in general space, learning planet names and locations
Time: 10-15 minutes

Put one cone in the middle of the gym and attach the picture of the space ship/alien to it.  Place the other 9 cones out around the gym in orbit, placing one planet picture on each cone (make sure they are in order).

Choose 2-3 students to be Aliens (taggers)  when the music starts, have the Aliens try and touch the students.  Students (Astronauts) move around the gym from planet to planet.  When they are on a  planet they are “safe”  but may only stay on a planet for the count of 3, I have them say the name of the planet when they count (ie. Earth 1,  Earth 2, Earth 3)  Once the 3 seconds are up, they must go to a new planet.

If an Astronauts is touched by and Alien, they must go to the space ship in the middle of the gym.  An Astronaut that is not “tagged” gives them a high “ten” and says “BEAM ME UP” and they are both free to roam the galaxy again!

Switch Aliens often!

Concerns: Moving safe in general space, tag safely. I use pool noodles as tag sticks. 
This idea is from: 

Hula Hoop Twister

Hula Hoop Twister

State Standard: 1, 2, & 4

Equipment:  Colored Hula Hoops, Colored Spinner, Music Grade: K-2
Purpose of Event: Movement, knowledge of body parts and location, colors, right/left side orientation. Locomotor skills
Time: 15-20 minutes

Students will need to identify: various body parts (knees, elbows, hands, feet) and right and left sides, in addition to colors.

Hula Hoops are spread around gym, when the music plays students move in the gym in the locomotor skill instructed by the teacher. When the music stops, the instructor will either call out specific directions, such as: “Put your right hand in a green hula hoop,” or “Stand with your left foot in a blue hula hoop.” Or spin the color-coded spinner and then have the students place an assigned hand, foot , elbow, knee, etc. in the correct colored hoop.  When the music starts, move again in a different locomotor movement.

Could use cards with different colors on them and different body parts listed instead of spinners.  Also, have the kids pick cards, or spin!  Instead of using hula hoops, you could also use different colored Polly spots, or laminated construction paper.

Concerns: Don’t step on the hoops, they may slide on the floor; will have several kids in one hoop, so remind them to be careful of personal space.
This idea is from: Amy Clayton, Oradell, NJ from 


Dare Ball

Dare Ball 

State Standard: 1, 2

Equipment: Enough Polly spots for half the class, 3 soft balls Grade: 3-5
Purpose of Event: Throwing Skills and Cardiovascular Endurance.
Time: 15-20 minutes
Divide the class into two teams. One half will go to an orange Polly spot and the other half will be divided into one of the 3 throwing lines. Once you have the 2 teams, give everyone on each team a number: 1, 2, or 3. This way when you switch, they will know which “running line” to go to.

Each inning will consist of one team trying to score while the other team tries to get them out. When 3 “outs” are called, the two teams switch positions to finish the last half of the inning.

The fielding team is on a Polly spot. They can move off the spot to get a ball but must be ON THEIR SPOT TO THROW! If a runner is hit, it counts as an out. Players on the fielding team can toss to other fielding players, but again, both must be on their spot to throw. Once there are 3 “outs” the fielding players go to the runners and the runners become fielders
Runners: At the start of the inning, the first player in the line will throw the ball and then run in any direction to the opposite wall, touch the wall and run back to their row. Once they get back to their row without being hit by the ball from the fielding team, they slap the hand of the next person in their row and to the end of their line. They have just earned one run or point. They may run and score again before the there are out is called. If they are hit by the ball they are “out” and their run doesn’t count.
The balls are only thrown once at the start of the inning, after the first throw, it is the job of the fielders to keep the balls moving (to get runners out). One runner from each of the 3 running teams should be going all the time.
I blow the whistle when there are 3 outs and yell “switch”. Fielders go to runners and runners go to the field.
(X= ball)
(0= Polly spot)
O2 O3
1111 X O1 O3 O12222 X O1 O2
3333 X O3 O1
Concerns: Move safely around the gym. Make sure students are NOT throwing the balls at each other!!!
This idea is from:


Alien Spaceships

Alien Spaceships

State Standard: 1, 2, & 4

Equipment: Cageball, Exercise (stability) Ball , Poly Spots, & gator skin balls. Grade: K-3 
Purpose of Event: Throwing at a moving target, running, teamwork, & manipulation.
Time: 15-20 minutes
Organization:  Divide the class into two teams and have them line up on each side of the gym (horizontally). Spread out the cones on each side of the gym. This will act as the boundary line where the students are “safe” from the aliens.

Alien Spaceships: Start the game with several stability balls (SLIMO-Ball). Explain to the students the stability balls are the alien spaceships and the two teams must try and throw the gator-skin balls (asteroids) at the alien spaceships, forcing it the the teams side.  The two teams are trying make the alien spaceship roll over to the other teams side. No student is allowed to touch the alien spaceship otherwise they are captured by the alien. If a student comes into contact with an alien spaceship they must perform an exercise (i.e., mule kicks, ski-jumps, mountain climbers, & bell jumps) to get back in the game. 

Variations: Instead of having the students throw the asteroids they could roll it (bowling skills) and/or use some type of long-handled implement. 

Concerns: Move safely around the gym. Make sure students are NOT throwing the balls at each other!!!
This idea is from: My take on the @CoachPirillo activity: Space Invaders.