Not in my Backyard



Not in my Backyard
State Standard: 1, 2, 3
Equipment: 30-40 soft balls (foam), 4-5 folding mats, & Music Grade: K-2 (3-5 Possible = Halloween version)
Purpose of Event: Over hand throwing
Time: 15-18 minutes

Divide class into 2 teams, place folding mats up on ends between to team.  Scatter balls (garbage) on both sides of playing area.  Mat stands as a “fence”.  On signal, players may pick up one ball at a time and throw overhand over the fence.  Players attempt to throw as many balls over the fence as possible in the time limit (getting the garbage out of their yard).  Count the ball on each side of the fence. The team having the least is the winner.

Halloween Adaptation:

Cover balls with fabric so they look like “ghosts” and set up mats on end, high enough so that a correctly thrown overhand ball will go over it.  

Divide the class into two teams, one on each side of the net.  Explain that they must stay in their house (on their side of the net) during the game.  Tell the class that they are all Ghostbusters and their job is to get rid of all the ghosts in their haunted house.  They will get rid of the ghosts by throwing them into the other haunted house, over the net, using the overhand throw.  However, when the music stops (play ghost busters music), they must freeze and stop throwing ghosts.  Count the ghost to see who wins (optional). Divide the ghosts up and start again.

Check for: opposite foot in front, trunk rotation, shift of weight, elbow leads, snap wrist and follow-through.

Concerns: Use soft balls, have another line on both sides of the fence that one can cross, this prevents them from getting too close to the mats.
This idea is from: Phyllis Kessel @ Chasco, Port Richey, FL from / WOW Workshop






State Standard: 1, 3, & 4

Equipment: 1 nerf ball, jerseys  (I use about 6-8 balls for 22 students)
Grade: 4+
Purpose of Event: Kicking, shooting, throwing, Working on Basketball and Soccer skills
Time: 15-20 minutes

Divide class into 2 teams, and each team stands on their sideline.  Five players from each team go onto the court to start the game.  I start with the ball on the floor in the middle of the gym (if using more than one ball, have them all scattered)  The remaining sideline players are goalies.  Each team has unlimited passing between the sideline and the court. 

Court players cannot pick a ball up off the floor but my use their hands to catch a ball in the air or can convert it by lifting it with the feet and then catching it, only side lines players may pick a ball up off of the floor.  Court players could also kick the ball to a sideline player and have them pick it up and throw it back. Court players can kick the ball any teammate and if it is in the air, they can catch it with their hands.  Once the ball is in the hand, court players may only take 3 steps, then they need to pass, kick or shoot.  Goalies may not move with the ball in their hands.

The object of the game is to score points in the following ways: (Only court players may score!)      throwing the ball through the goalies on the other sideline and hitting the wall (1 point);  kicking the ball through the goalies on the other sideline and hitting the wall (3 points); by shooting the ball through your own basket (1 point). If a basket is scored, the ball is immediately given to the end goalie on the opposite team.

Players remain in the middle for 1-3 minutes and then go to the end of their sidelines, and the other end of their line goes to the court.

Variations: Have 3-4 balls going! 

Concerns: Keep kicking low and under control, don’t add additional balls until they understand game.
This idea is from:


Square Ball Pin Guard


Square Ball Pin Guard

State Standard: 1, 2, 3, & 5

Equipment: One ball and pin per group of 5, 4 square area for each group
Grade: 4+
Purpose of Event: Work on Throwing, Aiming, Team work

In groups of 5, chose 1 to be a goalie, they will stand in the middle of the square and guard the pin, the remaining 4 players will stand, one on each side of the square. The objective is to pass the ball to each other until one player has a clear shot at the goal…the pin in the middle. The goalie moves around inside the square attempting to protect the goal by blocking or catching any attempt the outside players make to throw and hit the goal (pin). Outside players each earn a point if the goal is hit. Play for a designated time (2-3 minutes) and rotate positions so all players have an opportunity to play goalie.

Could also have the player that hit the pin down, replace the goalie.

Concerns: Keep throws low, and use a soft ball
This idea is from: WOW Workshop



2 on 2 Square Ball

2 on  2 Square Ball

State Standard: 1, 2, & 3

Equipment: Squares large enough for 4 people to move safely in, 1 nerf ball per group of 4 (I use 4 square courts) Grade: 4+
Purpose of Event: Movement in Personal space, Teamwork, passing, catching
Time: 15-20 minutes

Have 4 students practice running without a ball in each square while avoiding each other. Partner up players in each square and add a ball. Each set of partners moves about in their square attempting to complete 5 consecutive passes between each other. If 5 passes are completed, they score 1 points and the other team gets the ball. If the ball is dropped, intercepted or 5 passes completed, the ball goes to the other team. After one team has made 3 points, move to another square (Or after 2 minutes). Continue to switch groups and partners.

Concerns: Need to be able to move safely in personal space. Use a soft ball (koosh ball works well).
This idea is from: WOW Workshop