Pin-Galore Hockey

Pin-Galore Hockey

State Standard: 1, & 3

Equipment:  20 Plastic pins, Several gator-skin balls, Hockey Sticks (enough for two teams), and Poly Spots
Grade: 3-5
Purpose of Event: Using Long-Handled Implements while striking a Ball. 
Time: 15-20 minutes
Place 10 foam pins on each side of the gym on Poly Spots. Put several poly spots down the middle of the gym to separate into two halves. 
This is a modification to the regular game of floor hockey.  Instead of the typical scoring (puck into a hockey net), players will try to knock over the other team’s pins while striking a gator-skin ball with their hockey stick! If a player strikes the ball and it knocks down a pin from the other team their team scores a point (I use a digital scoreboard). Once the pin is down it stays down!!!!!  Once one team has knocked all the other teams pins down their team wins. Goalies are optional. If I do use a goal they must be in-between the pins to protect. 

No high sticking. Both hands must be on the hockey stick. If a student breaks the rules they go to the penalty box (area where students have to do an exercise to get back in the game). 

Concerns: Be cautious when students are using their hockey sticks!!! 
This idea is from: Idea modified from


Projector Samples



K-2 Warm-up (switch activity when the slide switches)


Found  on ==>






Via Kevin Tiller ==> @physedreview



Locomotor Dice


Via Holly Donchev ==>  @eatplants2move


Football Hoop Tag

Football Hoop Tag

State Standard: 1, & 3

Equipment:  5 hoops, 5 nerf footballs (may need more depending on number of students) 3 noodles (for tagging), music
Grade: 4-8 (1-3 with koosh balls)
Purpose of Event: Throwing and Catching skills, Locomotor movement
Time: 15-20 minutes

Scatter 5 hoops around on the floor, and have a student start in each with a football. (You may need to add hoops/balls)  Give out 3 noodles for tagging.  At the start of the music, the taggers start to tag as many people as possible (people in the hoops cannot be tagged).  If you get tagged you are frozen.  Once frozen you must get the attention of someone in a hoop and have them throw you a football.  If the football is caught, you are un-frozen, and take the spot of the person in the hoop, that threw you the ball.  If you do NOT catch the ball you remain frozen until you catch a ball.  People that are not frozen, need to pick up the balls that are not caught, and give them back to the students in the hoops, because the students in the hoops may not leave the hoops until they are replaced.  You cannot be frozen if you have a football in your hands.

Stop every couple of minutes to switch taggers, also change the locomotor movements.

I would play this with lower grades, but use a koosh ball instead and have more hoops and balls since the throwing and catching isn’t as controlled.

Concerns: Be cautious of the hoops, don’t step on them, they slide.  Throw carefully, lots of movement going on.
This idea is from: “Great Activities”


Pass Me The Spider (or Chicken)

Pass Me The Spider (or Chicken)

State Standard: 1, 3, & 4

Equipment:  2 noodles, 2 stuffed spiders (chickens)
Grade: K-2
Purpose of Event: Work on Catching, Throwing, Movement, Locomotor, Personal/General Space
Time: 10-25 minutes
Select 2 students to start with the noodles, they will be freezing people.  Two students will start with the spiders, the spiders will “thaw-out” frozen students and allow them to move again.  Spiders will be passes to someone who is frozen, so they will change hands often.  

If you are frozen, you must sit and say, “please pass me the spider” to a student with a spider.  The student with the spider will then pass it off.  Spiders should be moving to different people all the time so no one stays frozen for more than a few seconds.  If the spider is in your hands, you can not be frozen.  After about a minute, switch the students with the noodles.

Start the game by walking, and then change to different locomotor skills as the game progresses and they get the hang of it.

Concerns: Moving safely in general and personal space
This idea is from:


Barnyard Blitz Field Day 2019






State Standard: 1, 3

Equipment:  Several gator-skin balls, folding mats, 25-30 foam pins Grade: K-5 
Purpose of Event: Manipulation, Control, Team Play

Organization: Form two equal teams with each team starting in its half of the gym. Stand the folding mats up and put them on the half court line. One team on each side on the mats. Each side will setup 12 bowling pins on their side of the mat.


  1. Each side will throw dodgeballs over the mats trying to knock down the pins on the other side.
  2. If you catch a ball that is thrown over the mat, you get to leave your side of the mat and take a lap around the other side. You can throw the ball you caught at their pins (you only throw one ball). After you throw your ball continue running until you have made your half lap. If you catch another ball, run around to the other side and throw again.
  3.  The teams can guard their pins.
  4. When you only have one pin left…only 1 person can guard that pin.
  5. The team that knocks over all the other teams pins wins.
  6. Set up and play again.
Concerns:  Must be able to move in general space safely and while on the scooters. Be careful when trying to strike the hockey puck that nobody is around the shooter. 
This idea is from:  Kathy Wait (Sioux Falls, SD). Original Idea: Ben Prillio = Teach Physed. 


Scooters/Roller Racer


Scooters/Roller Racers

State Standard: 1, 3

Equipment:  One Scooter/Roller Racer per student.  Grade: K-2
Purpose of Event: Locomotor Movements. Manipulatives and Control

Form equal teams of four to five player.  Have each team sitting in a single-file formation at the mid-court of the gym.  The first person in each line has a scooter. On signal “go” each player in turn performs the following tasks as they move toward a cone marker on the opposite end of the gym.  Each player moves around the cone marker and back to his/her team. As the player returns he/she then hands off the scooter and the next player in line takes his/her turn. The original player then moves to the back of the line.


  1. Safety:
  • Do not stand on them or crash them into each other.
  • Watch your fingers and clothing.
  1. Performance Tasks:
  • Two hands, one knee relay: Place two hands and one knee on the scooter and push forward with you free foot.
  • Kneeling relay: Kneel on your scooter and move forward with your hands only.
  • Stomach relay: Lie on your stomach and use a swimming motion to propel yourself.
  • Seat and Feet Relay: Sit on your seat and move using both your hands and feet.
  • Back Relay: Lay on your back and move using your feet.  Be careful of your hair.
  • Two Hand Relay: Place both hands on the scooter board and move using your two feet.  Be sure to hand off the scooter.
  1.  Indy 500: Divide students into groups of 3 with 2 scooters per group.  Use cones to make an oval track in your gym. Each group has a car name.  The driver sits one scooter with his/her feet on the other, the student who is the motor pushes, and the third student is the pit crew.  The teacher is in the middle and records the laps. When a car has made a lap the pit person runs to the middle and tells the teacher their car name, the teacher will write down a lap for that group.  The group takes turns at the different positions and continues the race. At the end of the class period the group with the most laps is the hot wheels winner.


EQUIPMENT:  One roller racer per squad and cone markers

ACTIVITY: (15-18 min.)

Organization: same as the scooters, except the course is one lap around the gym.  You may set up scones to make the track.

Roller Racers:

  • The roller racers can only be propelled in one way.  To move the racers, the students must move their hands in a side-to-side fashion.  Have the students take turns riding the racers. Have the students ride laps around the gym.  Too add excitement we name this activity the “Roller Racer 500.”
Concerns:  Must be able to move in general space safely and while on the scooters/roller racers. 
This idea is from:  myself


Turkey Feathers


Turkey Feathers

State Standard: 1, 2, & 4

Equipment: Several Scooters (different colors: 4 sets), Several Pool Noodles, Several Scarves (4 sets), and Cones Grade: K-5
Purpose of Event: Teamwork, Cardiovascular Endurance, and Strategy. 
Time: 15-20 minutes
For K-2  I call out a turkey (scooter) color to be “it”. The taggers get to pull other turkeys’ feathers (scarves) and place them in the turkey pen (bucket inside cones) in the middle. Turkeys must enter the turkey pen and do an exercise before they earn their turkey tail feather back. Change tagger color after a few minutes. 

3-5 It is a modified Capture the Flag. I called it Capture the Feather. 4 teams. Each team has to try and pull the other turkey’s feathers off their tail. If their feather gets pulled (2 ways to play here) they go to the turkey pen and do an exercise to get back in the game. Or you can have them stay there until one of their teammates saves them.


Concerns: Students running into one another when they are taking their lap around the mats. 
This idea is from: Michele Morgan Ragsdale



How to set up a Pinterest Board

Step #1

Step #2


Step #3

Step #4

Step 5

Step #6


Step #7


What is this thing called Twitter Chat?


Background Information:

When someone tells you they are participating in a twitter chat for professional development (PD) would you have any idea on what they are talking about? This was me a few years ago when I first got onto twitter. A colleague of mine told me (when I was teaching middle school ICT) that some of the best PD they have ever received was by participating in a twitter chat. I ask this person the obvious question, “How and Why?” They explained to me by engaging in a twitter chat they were able to speak and connect with other colleagues (teachers, professors, researchers, and administrators) across the globe and share ideas on how to make their teaching better, how to improve their teaching, and learn student motivation strategies from those who are in the field! Once I returned to the Physical Education (Physed) classroom I asked myself if there were any Physed teachers on twitter and if they participated (or created) in twitter chats specifically geared towards the Physical Education classroom. After a few trial and errors (looking for Physed teachers to follow on twitter) I found several twitter chats for Physed teachers (these chats will be provided at the bottom of this blog post).

What is a Twitter Chat?

Essentially, a twitter chat is an online conversation. The chat begins usually through a moderator. The moderator is the person who posts the questions that people are to answer on twitter at the time the chat takes place. The twitter chat usually last about an hour. The questions posted by the moderator are found on their websites or blogs (typically). The amount of questions to be answered can vary depending on the moderator and topic being discussed. This where the “hashtag” comes into play!!! 

Hashtag Time

In order for a twitter chat to begin and have people follow the conversation there MUST be a hashtag. A hashtag is a fancy term for “link”. Tags come from blogging websites. Anytime a blogger “tags” something it makes it a link for readers to click and follow topics under that specific tag. The same goes for twitter (micro-blogging). Anytime some puts a hashtag ==> # in front of word(s) it makes it a link (as shown in the tutorial below) for the people to follow. For example, one popular Physical Education twitter chat is #espechat (Elementary School Physical Education Chat). When this twitter chat is taking place those individuals partaking in the chat must search that specific hashtag on twitter in order to follow the chat ==> Check Image. 

The “Chat”

The chat begins once the moderator posts the first question. Typically, the moderator will label the questions to be answered in this manner ==> Q1 (Question 1), Q2 (Question 2), Q3 (Question 3) and so on. When a person is going to provide an answer to a question on the twitter chat they usually respond in this format ==> A1 (Answer to Question #1), A2 (Answer to Question #2), and A3 (Answer to Question 3). For instance, one of the best twitter chats I follow is the #whatisschool chat via Craig Kemp. He posts the questions prior to the chat’s start time on his blog for followers so they know (ahead of time) what the topic is going to be for that week’s chat. This is previous chat where they discussed the Physed classroom and assessment ==> see image.